Planetary Nebulae
Planetary Nebulae
Planetary Nebulae
     HOME          TABLES I,II,II,IR          DOCUMENTATION          DATA GATHERING                                      
                              Nos observations comprennent - Our observations include:
                                        Vraies NP - True PN: 202
                                        Probables NP - Likely PN: 73
                                        Possible NP - Possible PN: 47
                                        Nouvelles candidates - New candidates: 7
                                        Autres objets - Other objects: 105
                                        Total: 434




  LDû 13  23:38:40.43 +61:41:40.90P. Le DûAstroQueyras (05) 11/10/20150.516508xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  BrRe 2  23:30:33.20 +60:50:15.30G. Bertrand, M. Le LainOHP (04)10/07/20240.155231xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Dr 21  23:23:49.89 +45:16:54.43P. Le DûPorspoder (29)29/05/20200.25230xSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 97  23:14:18.82 +55:59:33.90L. MulatoCornillon (30)22/08/20200.25230xxSp / FichePossible NP
  PNG 105.4-14.0  23:13:05.30 +45:26:17.88O. Garde, P.Le DûOHP (04)03/08/20190.3665083NéantNP Probable
  PNG 105.4-14.0  23:13:05.30 +45:26:17.88P. Le DûPorspoder (29)03/09/20190.252383NéantNP Probable
  Kn 32  23:09:43.70 +67:23:39.00T. PetitOHP (04)03/08/20190.27238xxSp / FichePossible NP
  IPHASX J230323.7+631804  23:03:23.80 +63:18:04.07O. Garde, P. Le Dû, V. LecoqAstroQueyras (05) 04/09/20180.516508xSp / FicheHII
  Ra 21  23:02:57.00 +63:13:07.00O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 02/09/20160.516508xxSp / FicheiISM
  Pre Objet 1  23:02:30.00 +59:02:56.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)29/07/20190.25231xxxxSp / FicheSNR
  JuKn 1  22:55:12.20 +53:50:29.04L. MulatoCornillon (30)09/09/20200.25231xxxxxSp / FicheHII
  IPHASX J225453.2+631827  22:54:53.20 +63:18:27.58P. Le DûPorspoder (29)05/11/20200.25231xxSp / FichePossible NP
  App 1  22:49:20.13 +46:07:38.40O. Garde, P. Le Dû, P. Dubreuil, A. LopezCALERN (06)18/09/201716758xxxxxSp / FicheG
  StDr 53  22:44:54.68 +55:09:25.60E. SoubrouillardPierrefeu-du-Var (83)08/09/20230.34231xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  StDr 53  22:44:54.68 +55:09:25.60P. Le DûPorspoder (29)15/05/20200.25231xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  StDr 96  22:37:00.25 +54:02:50.68P. Le Dû, O. Garde, P. DubreuilCALERN (06)18/09/202017501xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Ch 3  22:19:41.44 +56:43:48.40G. Arlic, D. Erpelding, T. SalomonPic du Midi (65)19/11/20190.63.5238xxSp / FicheX
  StDr 43  22:16:18.23 +54:18:42.10L. Mulato, M. Drechsler, X. StrottnerCornillon (30)15/08/20200.25230xxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Ra 50  22:10:45.27 +56:23:13.10O. Garde, P. Le Dû, P. Dubreuil, A. LopezCALERN (06)21/09/201716758xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 41  22:10:13.70 +50:04:33.49O. Garde, P. Le Dû, B. GuéganCALERN (06)18/09/201817508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  St 8  22:07:59.14 +66:45:13.30P. Le DûPorspoder (29)12/11/20170.25238xxxxxSp / FicheSR?
  Rai 1  22:06:08.05 +57:38:22.90P. Le Dû, V. LecoqAstroQueyras (05) 05/09/20180.516508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 12  22:03:30.65 +61:29:43.39P. Le DûPorspoder (29)03/12/20190.25238xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  HorFulEvReb 1  22:02:37.98 +57:51:24.30P. Le DûPorspoder (29)02/10/20240.25231xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  DrZi Objet 1  22:00:00.44 +49:00:57.07L. MulatoCornillon (30)11/07/20200.25231xxxxxSp / FicheHII
  Dr 5  21:57:35.52 +61:51:28.95L. MulatoOHP (04)04/08/20190.25230xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Dr 5  21:57:35.52 +61:51:28.95J-P. Nougayrede, G. Arlic, M. Leveque, J. Souchu Pic du Midi (65)29/08/20190.63.5238xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  MWC 1051  21:54:21.20 +51:27:53.60L. MulatoCornillon (30)31/08/20190.25231xxxSp / FicheEm*
  Cr 1  21:49:11.00 +57:27:24.84O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 04/09/20160.516508xxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Su Objet 7  21:43:01.90 +54:56:35.60E. SoubrouillardPierrefeu-du-Var (83)13/08/20230.34231xxSp / Ficheooun
  Br 10  21:42:43.40 +54:41:56.40P. Le DûPorspoder (29)09/10/20230.25231xxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Sh2-123 (StDr 17)  21:42:15.52 +44:28:04.33P. Le DûPorspoder (29)19/01/20200.25230xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 4  21:41:30.82 +55:47:52.78P. Le DûPorspoder (29)03/12/20190.25231xxxxxSp / Ficheooun
  StDr 2  21:40:22.13 +48:21:52.64P. Le DûPorspoder (29)02/12/20190.25238xxxxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Pa 165  21:38:52.80 +18:40:15.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)25/08/20200.25230xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  LDû 1  21:36:06.35 +50:54:04.80O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 27/08/20160.516508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr Objet 1  21:35:07.85 +52:11:32.36P. Le DûPorspoder (29)23/04/20200.25231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  App 2  21:30:45.12 +52:41:48.10O. Garde, S. Chrabonnel, P. Le DûOHP (04)24/07/20170.366508xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  LDû 18  21:29:52.51 +50:54:19.18P. Le DûAstroQueyras (05) 10/10/20150.516508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 95  21:26:59.81 +50:18:57.30P. Le DûPorspoder (29)18/07/20200.25230xxxxSp / FicheCandidate NP
  Br 7  21:17:42.40 +47:41:38.10P. Le DûPorspoder (29)23/08/20230.25231xxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Ou 5  21:14:20.00 +43:41:35.00C. BuilCastanet (31)01/10/2012///8xxxxxSpVraie NP
  Ou 4  21:11:48.20 +59:59:12.00C. BuilOHP (04)19/08/20120.085.3508xSpcir
  MoMi 2  21:10:51.11 +40:17:00.12L. MulatoCornillon (30)23/06/20200.25231xxxxSp / Ficheooun
  Br 6  21:08:31.30 +46:28:49.702SPOTOHP (04)09/08/20230.086191xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Br 6  21:08:31.30 +46:28:49.70P. Bazart, G. Mabilon, J-F. RameauAstroQueyras (05)10/10/20230.58501xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Ra 5  21:02:38.00 +44:46:42.00O.Garde, P. Le Dû, S. CharbonnelOHP (04)11/08/20160.366508xxxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 150  20:57:10.10 +48:34:28.70P. Le DûPorspoder (29)18/10/20170.25238xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 150  20:57:10.10 +48:34:29.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)25/08/20190.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Hu 1  20:54:14.00 +58:51:20.40P. Bazart (SAL)AstroQueyras (05)16/09/20200.58500xxxxxSp / Ficheooun
  Hu 1  20:54:14.00 +58:51:20.40P. Le DûPorspoder (29)18/12/20170.25238xxxxSp / Ficheooun
  Hu 1  20:54:14.00 +58:51:20.40P. Le Dû, O. Garde, P. DubreuilCALERN (06)18/09/202017501xxxxxxSp / Ficheooun
  Zol 1  20:53:49.60 +46:46:47.00J. GuarroPiera (Espagne)30/11/20150.41//8xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 149  20:51:46.90 +50:46:40.00O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 02/09/20160.516508xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Rai 2  20:50:45.92 +50:12:07.50P. Le Dû, V. LecoqAstroQueyras (05) 07/09/20180.516508xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Ra 10  20:50:13.00 +46:55:18.00A. Brémond, P. BazartAstroQueyras (05) 04/10/20160.518508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Ri 2  20:50:02.80 +37:53:15.68O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 02/09/20160.516508xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 27  20:48:58.30 +32:18:15.98O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 02/09/20160.516508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 3  20:46:10.60 +52:57:06.12P. Le DûPorspoder (29)03/05/20160.25238xxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Ra 4  20:44:13.00 +36:07:38.00O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 01/09/20160.516508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Br 4  20:42:56.03 +45:55:29.702SPOTOHP (04)09/08/20230.365351xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  StDr 27  20:42:07.58 +38:38:08.78P. Le DûPorspoder (29)29/05/20200.25231xxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Kn 121  20:42:01.90 +13:51:15.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)30/05/20190.25230xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 148  20:41:28.30 +47:06:33.00O. Garde, P. Le Dû, P. Dubreuil, A. LopezCALERN (06)19/09/201716758xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  KnFe 1  20:38:09.15 +61:55:05.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)13/12/20150.25238xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Dr 25  20:36:51.53 +58:27:57.33P. Le DûPorspoder (29)14/06/20210.25231xxxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Ra 67  20:36:07.20 +46:01:53.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)22/05/20170.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Mul-Ir 19 (Kn 23)  20:34:26.20 +31:18:33.12O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 31/08/20160.516508xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  IPHAS J203346.47+450840.1  20:33:46.50 +45:08:40.09L. MulatoCornillon (30)23/05/20200.25230xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr Objet 2  20:33:31.14 +44:08:45.39P. Bazart, G. Mabilon, J-F. Rameau AstroQueyras (05)18/10/20220.58501xxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  StDr Objet 2  20:33:31.14 +44:08:45.39P. Le Dû, O. Garde, P. DubreuilCALERN (06)16/09/202017501xxxxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Hu 8  20:32:09.00 +32:37:18.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)24/03/20200.25231xxxxxxSp / FicheG
  StDr 166  20:31:54.30 +51:54:08.662SPOTCALERN (06)02/11/202217501xxxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Cop 7  20:25:28.92 +31:43:07.90P. Le DûPorspoder (29)09/08/20240.25231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Cop 7  20:25:28.92 +31:43:07.90P. Bazart, G. Mabilon, J-F. RameauAstroQueyras (05)10/09/20240.58501xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  LDû 2  20:24:50.63 +46:22:24.40O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 29/08/20160.516508xxxxxxSp / FicheiISM
  GM 1-11  20:24:25.80 +34:01:25.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)14/09/20200.25231xxxxxxxxSp / FicheHII
  ETHOS 4  20:23:37.40 +68:07:13.80O. Garde, P.Le DûOHP (04)02/08/20190.366508xxxxxxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 159  20:21:41.34 +50:18:30.512SPOTOHP (04)27/07/20220.365351xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Br 9  20:21:13.85 +44:47:14.20P. Le DûPorspoder (29)14/09/20230.25231xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 11  20:20:50.30 +29:49:51.10L. MulatoCornillon (30)24/06/20200.25230xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  IPHAS J201954.23+430559.6  20:19:54.20 +43:05:59.60L. MulatoCornillon (30)31/08/20190.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 26  20:19:46.16 +15:14:07.20O. Garde, P.Le DûOHP (04)03/08/20190.366508xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 26  20:19:46.16 +15:14:07.20T. PetitOHP (04)02/08/20190.27238xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PM 1-323  20:18:50.00 +32:36:23.87L. MulatoCornillon (30)05/09/20190.25231xSp / FicheNP Probable
  Cop 8  20:17:56.60 +33:57:18.38P. Le DûPorspoder (29)03/10/20240.25231xxSp / FichePossible NP
  Pa 25  20:15:01.80 +20:25:21.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)05/10/20160.25238xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PM 1-322  20:14:51.60 +12:03:53.20L. MulatoCornillon (30)21/06/20200.25231xxxxxxxSp / FicheSy?
  Pa 145  20:12:15.77 +25:22:13.80O. Garde, P.Le DûOHP (04)05/08/20190.366508xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  IPHASX J201144.3+245006  20:11:44.40 +24:50:06.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)17/05/20200.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PM 1-319  20:10:37.70 +31:37:56.60L. MulatoCornillon (30)04/09/20190.25230xxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  PM 1-320  20:10:32.30 +44:11:48.50L. MulatoCornillon (30)07/06/20190.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 23  20:10:21.50 +18:11:49.99P. Le Dû, V. LecoqAstroQueyras (05) 08/09/20180.516508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Mul 4  20:10:17.90 +36:13:09.00A. Brémond, P. BazartAstroQueyras (05) 04/10/20160.518508xxxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  StDr 139  20:10:09.92 +46:43:18.98P. Le DûPorspoder (29)08/10/20210.25231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Kn 14  20:09:42.20 +24:07:39.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)01/10/20160.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 42  20:09:27.67 +25:59:38.30P. Le DûPorspoder (29)25/05/20200.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 6  20:07:58.58 +38:02:10.51L. MulatoCornillon (30)27/05/20200.25230xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 144  20:06:31.81 +09:26:20.80L. MulatoCornillon (30)15/09/20200.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  MoMi 6  20:04:10.07 +35:36:13.53P. Le DûPorspoder (29)08/10/20230.25231xxxxxxxSp / Ficheooun
  Ou 6  20:03:53.54 +35:22:50.40A. Brémond, P. BazartAstroQueyras (05) 05/10/20160.518508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 4  20:02:28.40 +55:33:18.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)10/05/20180.25238xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 4  20:02:27.35 +55:33:41.00L. MulatoOHP (04)05/08/20190.25230xxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDrBl 1  20:01:25.43 +17:51:24.60P. Le DûPorspoder (29)11/10/20210.25231xSp / FicheNP Probable
  StDr J200046.99+364210  20:00:46.99 +36:42:10.72L. MulatoCornillon (30)23/06/20200.25231xxxxxSp / FicheEm*
  StDr 103  20:00:38.97 +34:39:23.04P. Le DûPorspoder (29)15/04/20210.25231xxxxxxxxSp / Ficheooun
  IRAS 19581+3320  20:00:06.90 +33:29:01.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)05/09/20190.25230xxSp / FichePossible NP
  StDr 92  19:59:39.84 +31:14:06.91P. Le DûPorspoder (29)26/05/20200.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  IPHASX J195919.6+283827  19:59:19.60 +28:38:27.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)30/06/20190.25231xxxxxSp / Fiche#PN ?
  IPHASX J195749.2+290259  19:57:49.20 +29:02:58.80L. MulatoCornillon (30)22/06/20200.25231xxxxxSp / Ficheooun
  Ch 1  19:57:15.56 +34:47:18.80O. Garde, P. Le Dû, P. Dubreuil, A. LopezCALERN (06)20/09/201716758xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Ch 2  19:56:53.55 +34:44:55.40G. Arlic, D. Erpelding, T. SalomonPic du Midi (65)19/11/20190.63.5238xxSp / FicheX
  PaStDr 2  19:55:52.27 +30:16:09.90L. MulatoCornillon (30)13/07/20200.25231xxxSp / FicheHII
  Ou 7  19:52:45.42 +32:25:36.00P. Le Dû, O. Garde, P. DubreuilCALERN (06)17/09/202017501xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Br 8  19:51:24.70 +29:50:38.70P. Le DûPorspoder (29)13/09/20230.25231xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Br 8  19:51:24.70 +29:50:38.70P. Bazart, G. Mabilon, J-F. RameauAstroQueyras (05)12/09/20240.58501xxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Ra Objet 2  19:50:57.00 +33:47:32.00P. Le Dû, O. Garde, P. DubreuilCALERN (06)17/09/202017501xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pre 7  19:50:33.00 +30:15:22.00P. Le Dû, V. LecoqAstroQueyras (05) 08/09/20180.516508xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 7  19:50:11.26 +26:43:32.09E. SoubrouillardPierrefeu-du-Var (83)14/07/20230.34231xxSp / FichePossible NP
  StDr 7  19:50:11.26 +26:43:32.09L. MulatoCornillon (30)17/06/20200.25230xSp / FichePossible NP
  IPHASX J194957.59+232600.6  19:49:57.60 +23:26:00.60T. PetitOHP (04)04/08/20190.272386NéantVraie NP
  IPHASX J194957.59+232600.6  19:49:57.60 +23:26:00.60O. Garde, P.Le DûOHP (04)05/08/20190.366508xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 137  19:49:54.10 +31:53:59.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)13/09/20180.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  RaMul 2  19:49:53.70 +18:40:15.10C. BuilCastanet (31)23/06/20150.25238xxxSpVraie NP
  RaMul 2  19:49:53.70 +18:40:15.10L. MulatoCornillon (30)06/07/20190.25231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa J194949.4+064755  19:49:49.47 +06:47:55.43L. MulatoCornillon (30)28/08/20200.25231xxxxxSp / FicheG
  StDr Objet 26  19:49:48.68 +35:49:13.99P. Le DûPorspoder (29)15/04/20210.25231xxSp / FicheEm*
  IRAS 19461+2419  19:48:14.30 +24:27:27.00O. Garde, P.Le DûOHP (04)03/08/20190.366508xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  RaEMol 1  19:47:52.63 +26:54:23.38P. Le DûPorspoder (29)05/06/20210.25231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  IPHASX J194648.2+193608 (PNG 056.6-02.7)  19:46:48.40 +19:36:11.09O. Garde, P. Le DûOHP (04)16/07/20180.366508xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  IPHASX J194648.2+193608 (PNG 056.6-02.7)  19:46:48.40 +19:36:11.09O. Garde, P.Le DûOHP (04)04/08/20190.366508xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 26  19:46:10.90 +17:06:09.11L. MulatoCornillon (30)27/05/20200.25230xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  IPHASX J194533.8+210751  19:45:33.80 +21:07:51.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)08/06/20190.25231xxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Kn 9  19:44:59.00 +22:45:47.88L. MulatoCornillon (30)13/09/20200.25231xxxxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  DeGaPe 70  19:44:28.20 -14:40:05.402SPOTDSC (Chile)14/07/20210.35230xxSp / FicheEm*
  DeGaPe 70  19:44:28.20 -14:40:05.402SPOTDSC (Chile)20/04/20230.34231xxxSp / FicheEm*
  Mul 1  19:44:22.71 +16:55:59.10P. Le Dû, V. LecoqAstroQueyras (05) 07/09/20180.516508xxxxxSp / FicheHII
  StDr Objet 29  19:44:08.42 +28:48:31.27O. GayrardSt Benoît de Carmaux (81)27/08/20240.24231xxSp / FicheCandidate NP
  PaTe 1  19:43:29.40 +40:20:05.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)30/05/20190.25231xxxSp / FicheiISM
  Pa 161  19:43:28.58 -13:44:59.402SPOTDSC (Chile)26/04/20230.34231xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Mul Objet 9  19:42:48.28 +29:02:29.97L. MulatoCornillon (30)25/05/20200.25230xxNéantCandidate NP
  Pa 13  19:41:21.03 +03:07:17.90O. Garde, P. Le DûCALERN (06)30/05/201917508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 30  19:39:47.96 +20:34:10.05P. Le DûPorspoder (29)26/03/20200.25231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Ra 24  19:37:40.00 +20:35:47.00O. Garde, P. Le Dû, P. Dubreuil, A. LopezCALERN (06)19/09/201716758xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  CGMW 5-11005  19:36:35.90 +27:04:08.90O. Garde, P. Le DûCALERN (06)23/05/201917508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Dr 31  19:35:50.13 +16:28:47.50P. Le DûPorspoder (29)16/06/20210.25230xxxSp / FichePossible NP
  StDr Objet 19  19:34:37.27 +23:49:48.44L. MulatoCornillon (30)24/06/20200.25231xxxSp / Ficheooun
  StDr 25  19:33:49.94 +22:15:05.56L. MulatoCornillon (30)28/05/20200.25230xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  IPHASX J193305.9+132921  19:33:05.90 +13:29:21.05L. MulatoCornillon (30)18/10/20200.25230xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 86  19:30:58.09 +26:58:43.63P. Le DûPorspoder (29)22/06/20200.25230xxxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Ra 69  19:30:23.61 +37:37:06.80O. Garde, P. Le Dû, B. GuéganCALERN (06)17/09/201817508xxxxxxSp / FicheG
  StDr 85  19:29:50.33 +19:34:20.42P. Le DûPorspoder (29)27/05/20200.25230xxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Kn J1924.6+4628  19:24:39.20 +46:28:41.99P. Le DûPorspoder (29)25/03/20200.25230xSp / FichePossible NP
  IPHAS J192348.79+052759.9  19:23:48.80 +05:27:59.90P. Le DûPorspoder (29)01/09/20190.25238xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 21  19:23:15.00 +27:07:34.36O. Garde, P. Le Dû, P. Dubreuil, A. LopezCALERN (06)19/09/201716758xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  KLSS 1-1  19:22:54.90 +18:42:08.06P. Le DûPorspoder (29)13/04/20210.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  MPA J1921+0132  19:21:44.50 +01:32:40.60L. MulatoCornillon (30)30/08/20190.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pre 6  19:20:30.00 +16:23:34.00P. Bazart, G. Mabilon, J-F. RameauAstroQueyras (05)11/10/20230.58501xSp / FicheNP Probable
  IPHAS J192009.35+230816.6  19:20:09.40 +23:08:16.58P. Le DûPorspoder (29)27/03/20200.25231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 37  19:19:29.40 -02:30:01.00L. MulatoOHP (04)06/08/20190.252302NéantNP Probable
  StDr 16  19:18:50.58 +03:27:20.62P. Le DûPorspoder (29)07/07/20220.25231xxxSp / FichePossible NP
  StDr 28  19:17:25.11 +20:52:31.20L. MulatoCornillon (30)20/07/20200.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Mul-Ir-14 (PN G050.8+02.3)  19:16:21.40 +16:56:36.60O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 01/09/20160.516508xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  IPHAS J191508.90+150951.5  19:15:08.90 +15:09:51.52P. Le DûPorspoder (29)01/04/20200.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 14  19:13:45.30 +13:22:09.99P. Le DûPorspoder (29)17/07/20210.25231xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Li 1 (Ra 3)  19:12:10.30 +16:46:35.62O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 03/09/20160.516508xxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  LDûPa 1  19:11:56.23 +15:25:25.20O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 03/09/20160.516508xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  IRAS 19089+1032  19:11:17.20 +10:37:34.21L. MulatoCornillon (30)24/05/20200.25230xSp / FicheNP Probable
  StDr 160  19:11:07.75 +03:32:59.272SPOTDSC (Chile)16/10/20220.35231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Dr 33  19:11:02.73 +15:17:48.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)16/07/20210.25231xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  StDr 34  19:10:23.97 +13:32:21.49P. Le DûPorspoder (29)19/05/20200.25231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 36  19:10:09.10 -01:52:29.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)05/08/20180.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 101  19:10:03.40 +03:22:24.06P. Le DûPorspoder (29)16/04/20210.25231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 24  19:09:28.66 +19:35:14.16L. MulatoCornillon (30)23/06/20200.25231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 125  19:08:52.30 +12:02:41.00O. Garde, P. Le Dû, B. GuéganCALERN (06)20/09/201817508xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 124  19:08:23.60 +02:33:01.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)14/09/20200.25231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 20  19:07:31.80 +24:59:57.98O. Garde, S. Chrabonnel, P. Le DûOHP (04)23/07/20170.366508xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  IPHASX J190718.1+044056  19:07:18.10 +04:40:56.10P. Le DûPorspoder (29)14/05/20200.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Wo 1  19:05:29.05 +19:17:16.55G. Bertrand, M. Le LainOHP (04)09/07/20240.155231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PaEk 1  19:03:00.03 +10:26:37.19P. Le DûPorspoder (29)05/08/20240.25231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Ra 73  19:01:31.94 +01:20:41.10P. Le Dû, O. Garde, P. DubreuilCALERN (06)14/09/202017501xSp / FicheNP Probable
  Kn 80  18:59:52.20 -20:34:48.00L. MulatoOHP (04)03/08/20190.25230xSp / FicheVraie NP
  PHR J1857+0207  18:57:59.60 +02:07:07.39P. Le DûPorspoder (29)03/09/20190.252384NéantVraie NP
  PM 1-264  18:54:54.10 +05:48:11.30P. Le DûPorspoder (29)03/07/20190.25238xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Ra 1  18:54:45.77 +36:30:12.00T. Lemoult, P. Le DûOHP (04)26/07/20140.136508xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Ra 1  18:54:45.77 +36:30:12.00T. PetitMyslin (CZ)25/03/20200.25231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PM 1-262  18:53:02.00 +06:44:15.32P. Le DûPorspoder (29)02/09/20190.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 60  18:51:55.48 +08:40:13.09P. Le DûPorspoder (29)21/06/20200.25231xNéantCandidate NP
  Kn 66  18:49:54.90 +17:57:15.01O. Garde, P. Le Dû, P. Dubreuil, A. LopezCALERN (06)20/09/201716758xxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  SFO 1  18:46:54.06 08:01:30.102SPOTDSC (Chile)26/09/20240.34231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PaStDr 5  18:45:41.34 +33:56:04.54P. Le DûPorspoder (29)08/09/20200.25230xxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Tan 1  18:45:28.10 -05:31:02.31L. MulatoOHP (04)04/08/20190.25231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  MulPre 1  18:44:27.21 -08:30:48.702SPOTDSC (Chile)08/06/20210.35231xxxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Pre 48  18:42:46.75 -09:50:48.00L. MulatoOHP (04)05/08/20190.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 18  18:42:01.20 +08:46:25.20L. MulatoCornillon (30)13/09/20200.25230xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pre 9 (Sab 8)  18:41:46.20 -07:51:29.52L. MulatoOHP (04)02/08/20190.25231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Kn 59  18:41:41.90 +65:11:57.98O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 02/09/20160.516508xxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PHR J1838-0417  18:38:02.10 -04:17:24.11P. Le DûPorspoder (29)03/09/20190.25238xSp / FicheNP Probable
  Kn 77   18:38:01.70 -22:02:49.00T. PetitOHP (04)03/08/20190.27238xxxxxxSp / FicheN
  Kan 4  18:34:54.00 -12:11:23.90L. MulatoCornillon (30)24/08/20190.25230xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pre 30  18:34:24.42 -17:02:00.90L. MulatoOHP (04)04/08/20190.252302NéantN
  MPAJ1834-0706  18:34:19.90 -07:05:17.70P. Le DûPorspoder (29)26/08/20190.25238xxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Mul-IR 26  18:33:51.45 -24:02:50.202SPOTDSC (Chile)14/06/20210.35231xxxxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Mul-IR 26  18:33:51.45 -24:02:50.20L. MulatoCornillon (30)14/06/20210.25231xxxxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  MPA J1833-0325  18:33:38.30 -03:25:55.85L. MulatoCornillon (30)04/09/20190.25230xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Mul 14  18:32:36.50 -12:46:02.092SPOTDSC (Chile)14/07/20210.35231xxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Mul 14  18:32:36.50 -12:46:02.09L. MulatoCornillon (30)21/05/20200.25230xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Mul 13  18:32:31.90 -04:46:11.30L. MulatoCornillon (30)22/05/20200.25230xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  DeGaPe 51  18:32:08.30 -14:58:49.302SPOTDSC (Chile)13/07/20210.35231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 50  18:29:11.30 -16:32:00.00T. PetitOHP (04)02/08/20190.27238xxxSp / FicheHII
  DeGaPe 50  18:29:11.30 -16:32:00.00O. Garde, P.Le DûOHP (04)03/08/20190.366508xxxSp / FicheHII
  StDr 29  18:29:02.10 +37:20:05.35P. Le DûPorspoder (29)18/03/20200.25231xxxxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  MPA J1827-1328  18:27:29.70 -13:28:18.41L. MulatoCornillon (30)28/05/20200.25231xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  IRAS 18232-1013  18:26:03.00 -10:11:31.45P. Le DûPorspoder (29)21/08/20190.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PM 1-233  18:25:56.20 -16:57:05.04L. MulatoCornillon (30)25/05/20200.25231xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Tan 2  18:25:17.06 -17:56:30.00L. MulatoOHP (04)03/08/20190.25231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Ra 11 (Pa 34)  18:25:15.00 +00:02:03.00O. Garde, P. Le Dû, P. Dubreuil, A. LopezCALERN (06)21/09/201716758xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 49  18:24:19.70 -05:59:50.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)02/08/20180.25238xxxSp / FichePossible NP
  MPA J1822-0914  18:22:05.70 -09:14:08.99L. MulatoCornillon (30)03/09/20190.25231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Mul-IR 67  18:20:30.30 +44:49:12.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)14/05/20190.25230Sp
  Pre 35  18:20:14.30 -22:30:14.10T. BohlsenArmidale, Australie23/08/2017///8xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  MPA J1819-0901  18:19:06.70 -09:01:50.27L. MulatoCornillon (30)03/09/20190.25230xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Pre 13  18:17:30.93 -55:28:41.402SPOTDSC (Chile)27/08/20220.35231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  MPAJ1817-0856  18:17:05.20 -08:56:49.42P. Le DûPorspoder (29)22/08/20190.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 48  18:15:36.40 -19:44:05.702SPOTDSC (Chile)04/07/20240.34231xxxSp / FicheEmO
  StDr 111  18:14:32.70 -23:52:45.602SPOTDSC (Chile)03/08/20210.35231xxxxSp / FicheEm*
  StMul 1  18:14:25.97 -15:41:34.172SPOTDSC (Chile)01/07/20220.35231xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  StDr 31  18:13:54.93 -14:17:06.93L. MulatoCornillon (30)26/05/20200.25231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PM 1-217  18:11:39.90 -00:49:02.21P. Le DûPorspoder (29)22/07/20190.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PM 1-217  18:11:39.00 -00:49:02.21O. Garde, P. Le Dû, P. Dubeuil, B. Guégan CALERN (06)30/05/201917508xxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 82  18:10:36.57 -23:28:45.702SPOTDSC (Chile)09/08/20240.34231xxxSp / FicheEmO
  PNG 007.8-01.3  18:08:17.70 -22:50:05.772SPOTDSC (Chile)09/08/20240.34231xxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 102  18:08:03.66 -24:50:59.09L. MulatoCornillon (30)04/09/20200.25231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Mul 17  18:07:32.10 -24:20:17.912SPOTDSC (Chile)14/06/20210.35231xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Pre 21  18:04:19.60 +00:08:04.20O. Garde, P. Le DûCALERN (06)29/05/201917508xxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PreRa 1  18:00:11.91 -22:10:48.982SPOTDSC (Chile)19/04/20240.34231xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Mul 11  17:58:12.20 -28:34:36.902SPOTDSC (Chile)02/10/20210.35231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  BMP J1757-2044  17:57:58.30 -20:44:54.022SPOTDSC (Chile)08/04/20220.35231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PreMo 3  17:55:40.60 -21:55:54.00L. MulatoOHP (04)04/08/20190.252302NéantCandidate NP
  Pa 157  17:47:08.60 +11:00:21.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)18/06/20170.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Kn 42  17:38:44.70 -12:57:20.02L. MulatoCornillon (30)18/06/20200.25231xxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PM 1-149  17:27:53.70 -22:57:18.86L. MulatoCornillon (30)15/04/20200.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PBOZ 5  17:22:38.50 -25:22:26.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)15/04/20200.25230xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 68  17:21:11.80 -35:00:43.502SPOTDSC (Chile)08/10/20230.34231xSp / FicheEm*
  Mul-IR 65  17:20:19.20 -41:56:33.002SPOTDSC (Chile)12/06/20210.35231xxxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  PM 1-139  17:19:26.20 -22:48:11.52L. MulatoCornillon (30)15/04/20200.25261xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 65  17:18:26.80 -33:36:31.002SPOTDSC (Chile)07/10/20230.34231xxSp / Fichestar
  MPA J1717_4351  17:17:53.30 -43:51:57.782SPOTDSC (Chile)24/05/20210.35231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 67  17:13:36.40 -33:47:49.502SPOTDSC (Chile)05/10/20230.34231xxSp / Fichestar
  DeGaPe 69  17:13:18.10 -34:31:42.002SPOTDSC (Chile)10/10/20230.34231xxxSp / FicheEm*
  Alves 5  17:12:41.70 +01:55:33.10L. MulatoCornillon (30)31/05/20190.25231xxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  DeHt 10  17:06:55.20 -09:47:01.18O. Garde, P. Le DûCALERN (06)28/05/201917508xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 81  17:00:34.10 -40:08:21.642SPOTDSC (Chile)04/07/20240.34231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe Objet 4  16:56:33.60 -44:09:47.002SPOTDSC (Chile)28/03/20230.34231xxxxxSp / FicheSR?
  DeGaPeKn 1  16:53:31.50 -40:28:44.602SPOTDSC (Chile)05/05/20220.35231xxxxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPeKn 2  16:52:59.60 -40:30:46.302SPOTDSC (Chile)24/09/20220.35231xxxSp / Ficheooun
  DeGaPe 15  16:50:46.00 -49:58:22.502SPOTDSC (Chile)03/04/20220.35231xxSp / Fichestar
  DeGaPe 46  16:47:05.60 -40:58:59.402SPOTDSC (Chile)25/05/20230.34231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 5  16:46:11.80 -47:37:05.402SPOTDSC (Chile)03/04/20220.35231xxSp / FicheEm*
  DeGaPe 14  16:40:22.20 -49:32:56.402SPOTDSC (Chile)20/04/20230.34231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 18  16:38:25.70 -49:32:02.502SPOTDSC (Chile)24/03/20230.34231xxSp / Fichestar
  DeGaPe 16  16:34:08.40 -49:16:26.002SPOTDSC (Chile)03/04/20220.35231xxSp / Fichestar
  DeGaPe 17  16:30:21.00 -49:41:11.102SPOTDSC (Chile)10/06/20210.35231xSp / Fichestar
  Pre 69  16:28:23.03 -50:17:42.192SPOTDSC (Chile)15/03/20240.34231xxxxSp / FicheSR?
  KnPa 2  16:18:37.10 -17:24:15.00O. Garde, P. Le DûCALERN (06)25/05/201917508xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Mul 15  16:16:24.63 -50:40:41.512SPOTDSC (Chile)04/06/20210.35231xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Mul-Ir 62  16:16:16.30 -49:26:49.002SPOTDSC (Chile)04/03/20220.35231xSp / FicheNP Probable
  StDr 167  16:01:31.96 -61:59:57.812SPOTDSC (Chile)19/04/20230.34231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDrLuLDu 1  15:38:08.39 -61:05:09.302SPOTDSC (Chile)28/04/20230.34231xxSp / FichePossible NP
  St 61  15:36:33.44 -57:18:04.332SPOTDSC (Chile)07/08/20210.35231xSp / FicheCl*
  DeGaPe 35  15:21:18.10 -59:00:34.202SPOTDSC (Chile)11/06/20210.35231xxxxxxSp / FicheSy*
  DeGaPe 34  15:16:04.30 -58:49:16.002SPOTDSC (Chile)27/03/20220.35231xxSp / Fichestar
  PaMor 2  15:01:03.20 -81:24:45.502SPOTDSC (Chile)14/04/20230.34231xSp / FicheNP Probable
  MulPre 2  14:52:06.55 -58:44:03.002SPOTDSC (Chile)09/06/20210.35231xxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Sl 1  14:30:37.33 -58:09:40.002SPOTDSC (Chile)01/03/20220.35231xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  SkAc 1  14:16:22.00 +13:52:24.13L. MulatoCornillon (30)13/03/20210.25231xxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Dr 16  14:16:01.83 -62:04:18.502SPOTDSC (Chile)11/04/20240.34231xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  DeGaPe 63  13:44:14.60 -62:47:01.702SPOTDSC (Chile)03/04/20220.35231xxxxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  StDr 69  13:40:34.42 -65:47:46.002SPOTDSC (Chile)15/03/20240.34231xxxxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Jonk Objet 1  12:33:50.04 -35:26:18.672SPOTDSC (Chile)02/04/20230.34231xxSp / FicheEm*
  Sl 4  12:30:31.73 -64:57:28.732SPOTDSC (Chile)04/01/20250.34231xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Mul Objet 3  12:22:44.76 -63:02:21.012SPOTDSC (Chile)02/03/20220.35231xxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Pa 172  12:15:44.30 -57:58:17.602SPOTDSC (Chile)20/04/20230.34231xxSp / Fichestar
  Bic 2  12:11:57.66 -69:48:33.402SPOTDSC (Chile)19/04/20230.34231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pre 59  12:09:10.24 -58:46:00.612SPOTDSC (Chile)03/06/20210.35231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PNG 136.7+61.9  12:07:28.40 +54:01:29.21O. Garde, P. Le DûCALERN (06)25/05/201917508xSp / FicheVraie NP
  LTNF 1  11:57:44.80 +48:56:18.38L. MulatoCornillon (30)13/03/20210.25231xSp / FicheVraie NP
  St 53  11:36:10.02 -57:41:19.962SPOTDSC (Chile)12/01/20240.34231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 170  11:23:35.80 -64:39:25.502SPOTDSC (Chile)14/01/20240.34231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pre 44  11:12:42.90 -58:21:04.002SPOTDSC (Chile)31/05/20210.35231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe Objet 3  10:22:26.60 -58:47:02.102SPOTDSC (Chile)28/03/20230.34231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pre 62  10:13:18.64 -57:58:16.192SPOTDSC (Chile)07/01/20240.34231xxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Mul 5  09:42:39.81 -52:16:57.682SPOTDSC (Chile)04/03/20220.35231xSp / FichePossible NP
  MulPre 4  09:42:06.37 -53:00:03.552SPOTDSC (Chile)02/03/20220.35231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  St 33  09:37:53.03 -56:07:56.602SPOTDSC (Chile)04/04/20240.34231xxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  WPS 46  09:27:51.10 +69:14:21.00T. PetitMyslin (CZ)21/04/20200.25238xxSp / FichePossible NP
  StDr 47  09:27:31.46 -23:22:34.402SPOTDSC (Chile)05/04/20240.34231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr Objet 20  09:26:20.58 -22:23:39.132SPOTDSC (Chile)05/02/20220.35231xxxxSp / Ficheooun
  MulPreLDu 1  09:11:57.36 -51:14:25.002SPOTDSC (Chile)04/06/20210.35231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  YP0900-4457  09:00:57.50 -44:57:03.002SPOTDSC (Chile)25/01/20250.34231xxxxSp / FicheCandidate NP
  SADR Objet 1  08:59:27.48 -69:11:52.492SPOTDSC (Chile)20/11/20220.35231xxxxxSp / Fiche
  DeGaPe Objet 2  08:59:13.20 -45:45:01.602SPOTDSC (Chile)21/10/20220.35231xSp / Fichestar
  HuBesPer 1  08:58:23.63 -38:05:24.532SPOTDSC (Chile)06/03/20240.34231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  St 48  08:57:27.36 -49:35:37.672SPOTDSC (Chile)11/01/20240.34231xxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  DeGaPe 26  08:53:56.30 -46:44:06.902SPOTDSC (Chile)21/03/20230.34231xxSp / FicheEm*
  Jonk 1  08:52:41.05 -58:36:41.522SPOTDSC (Chile)18/03/20230.34231xxSp / FichePossible NP
  St 37  08:50:54.04 -40:47:52.262SPOTDSC (Chile)04/01/20240.34231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 1  08:35:40.69 -43:48:30.602SPOTDSC (Chile)01/06/20210.35231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 75  08:27:45.00 -42:22:59.902SPOTDSC (Chile)07/12/20210.35231xxSp / Ficheooun
  TK 1  08:27:05.60 +31:30:08.50P. Le DûPorspoder (29)08/04/20190.25238xSp / FicheNP Probable
  DeGaPe 53  08:21:24.00 -36:00:14.002SPOTDSC (Chile)05/12/20210.35230xxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  DeGaPe 55  08:18:26.50 -34:43:31.602SPOTDSC (Chile)19/10/20230.34231xxSp / Fichestar
  DeGaPe 71  08:18:08.50 -42:34:16.002SPOTDSC (Chile)21/03/20230.34231xxxxSp / FicheEm*
  DeGaPe 52  08:16:40.00 -35:46:39.202SPOTDSC (Chile)24/03/20230.34231xxSp / FicheEm*
  DeGaPe 56  08:16:27.20 -34:42:53.402SPOTDSC (Chile)17/11/20230.34231xxSp / Fichestar
  DeGaPe 54  08:15:45.80 -35:58:29.302SPOTDSC (Chile)15/11/20230.34230xSp / FicheEm*
  DeGaPe 58  08:14:53.60 -35:42:53.202SPOTDSC (Chile)02/12/20210.35231xxSp / FicheEm*
  Dr 3  08:11:58.34 -29:56:41.392SPOTDSC (Chile)16/12/20230.34231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 140  07:43:20.32 +16:07:52.90P. Le DûPorspoder (29)26/02/20220.25230xSp / FicheNP Probable
  Dr 2  07:40:55.00 -33:32:22.84T. PetitOHP (04)04/08/20190.272384NéantNP Probable
  Su 10  07:35:00.58 -48:54:41.042SPOTDSC (Chile)04/02/20240.34231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr Objet 9  07:30:16.64 -19:59:22.432SPOTDSC (Chile)05/02/20220.35231xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Kn 68  07:22:03.15 +27:13:33.50L. MulatoCornillon (30)02/03/20190.25231xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  EGB 9  07:18:57.80 +07:22:23.20L. MulatoCornillon (30)11/11/20200.25231xxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  We 1-6  07:17:25.90 -10:10:33.74L. MulatoCornillon (30)19/11/20200.25231xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  MoMi 3  07:07:51.23 -12:07:50.92L. MulatoCornillon (30)14/01/20210.25231xxxSp / FichePossible NP
  MPA J0705-1224   07:05:37.20 -12:24:51.91L. MulatoCornillon (30)23/02/20200.25231xxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  DeGaPe 74  07:05:21.30 -12:10:44.702SPOTDSC (Chile)07/12/20210.35231xxSp / FicheEm*
  DeGaPe 73  07:04:41.90 -11:32:59.902SPOTDSC (Chile)24/03/20230.34231xxxxSp / FicheEm*
  DeGaPe 72  07:03:28.50 -12:14:59.502SPOTDSC (Chile)27/03/20220.35231xxxSp / FicheEm*
  Fal 1  07:03:21.50 -34:03:45.292SPOTDSC (Chile)06/03/20240.34231xxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Kn 60  07:00:06.63 +12:14:41.30L. MulatoCornillon (30)13/03/20210.25231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Kn 60  07:00:06.63 +12:14:41.30P. Le DûPorspoder (29)16/03/20210.25231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  MPA J0656_2356  06:56:00.00 -23:56:49.092SPOTDSC (Chile)10/03/20240.34231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Mul 16  06:54:38.70 -03:16:30.30L. MulatoCornillon (30)11/11/20200.25231xxxxxSp / Ficheo
  CaVa 1  06:52:52.59 +09:04:22.70P. Le DûPorspoder (29)31/10/20170.25238xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  MPA J0649-1816  06:49:02.70 -18:16:37.92L. MulatoCornillon (30)19/11/20200.25231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  BrRe 1  06:47:17.63 +00:50:54.912SPOTDSC (Chile)07/12/20230.34231xxSp / FicheiISM
  Kn 134  06:45:55.00 -18:10:22.08L. MulatoCornillon (30)20/02/20200.25231xxxxxxxxSp / FicheG
  KLSS 1-6  06:43:26.10 +16:48:51.16L. MulatoCornillon (30)18/03/20200.25230xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  MPA J0639-0554   06:39:58.10 -05:54:56.70L. MulatoCornillon (30)24/02/20200.25230xxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Alves 2  06:39:48.70 +40:34:55.99L. MulatoCornillon (30)18/10/20200.25230xSp / FicheiISM
  Mul-Ir 43  06:38:16.10 -01:33:08.78L. MulatoCornillon (30)20/02/20200.25231xxSp / FicheEm*
  StDr 13  06:34:22.65 +07:22:20.24P. Le DûPorspoder (29)02/12/20190.25238xxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PM 1-20  06:28:04.10 +12:46:21.79L. MulatoCornillon (30)18/02/20200.25231xxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Su 12  06:19:41.16 -71:46:37.872SPOTDSC (Chile)08/02/20240.34231xxxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  WeSb 2  06:16:11.80 +28:22:13.58P. Le DûPorspoder (29)06/03/20210.25230xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Ra 54  06:14:40.00 +18:49:15.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)25/02/20190.25238xxxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  LDû 31  06:13:51.03 +19:37:09.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)19/12/20170.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  LDû 31  06:13:51.03 +19:37:09.00P. BazartAstroQueyras (05)26/10/20190.518508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 19  06:10:36.21 +14:10:39.14P. Le DûPorspoder (29)17/03/20200.25231xxxxSp / FicheHH
  Ra 30  06:04:32.00 +20:57:01.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)26/02/20190.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Bic 3  06:03:35.26 -69:40:14.902SPOTDSC (Chile)14/04/20230.34231xxSp / Fichea
  Bic 6  05:59:06.10 -75:07:44.802SPOTDSC (Chile)04/05/20240.34231xxxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Su 11  05:57:31.42 -67:09:30.962SPOTDSC (Chile)08/02/20240.34231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  IPHASX J055711.7+282322  05:57:11.70 +28:23:22.42L. MulatoCornillon (30)27/09/20200.25231xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 1  05:53:50.86 +24:02:27.11P. Le DûPorspoder (29)18/01/20200.25231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PaZib 1  05:46:59.59 +32:21:56.50P. Le DûPorspoder (29)20/01/20250.25230xxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Te 11  05:45:58.20 +02:21:06.00G. Arlic, D. Erpelding, M. Leveque, JP. NougayrèdePic du Midi (65) 21/10/20170.63.5508xxxxxSp / FicheCV*
  StDr 8  05:44:33.78 +33:21:37.29P. Le DûPorspoder (29)19/01/20200.25231xxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Kn 63  05:42:06.71 +04:43:02.70L. MulatoCornillon (30)18/10/20200.25230xSp / FicheVraie NP
  FoGl 1  05:40:54.77 -69:26:46.002SPOTDSC (Chile)26/02/20220.35231xxxxSp / FicheHII
  DeGaPe 77  05:35:20.50 -70:13:53.902SPOTDSC (Chile)08/02/20220.35231xxxxxSp / FicheHII
  DeGaPe 78  05:34:28.70 -69:46:45.002SPOTDSC (Chile)26/02/20220.35231xxxxxxxxxxxSp / FicheHII
  Dr 32  05:34:06.69 +39:56:03.20P. BazartAstroQueyras (05)29/10/20190.518508xSp / FicheVraie NP
  rp 1047  05:28:41.00 -67:33:39.302SPOTDSC (Chile)29/11/20240.34231xxxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pi 3  05:28:30.14 -72:30:30.962SPOTDSC (Chile)13/02/20240.34231xxSp / FichePossible NP
  Hu 4  05:28:21.00 +53:31:19.92L. MulatoCornillon (30)21/11/20200.25231xSp / FicheNP Probable
  Ga 1  05:25:56.63 +07:48:21.70P. Le DûPorspoder (29)18/01/20170.25238xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pei 1  05:25:46.96 -69:52:57.202SPOTDSC (Chile)07/12/20230.34231xxxxxxxxxxSp / FicheHII
  LiKaMa 1  05:25:44.38 +41:42:36.38E. SoubrouillardPierrefeu-du-Var (83)14/12/20230.34231xxxxSp / Fiche iISM
  Br 3  05:24:01.24 +24:33:45.90P. Bazart, G. Mabilon, J-F. RameauAstroQueyras (05)11/10/20230.58501xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  CoMaC 2  05:21:57.00 +39:31:02.50P. Le DûPorspoder (29)25/03/20190.25238xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  rp 1556  05:21:32.80 -67:00:04.802SPOTDSC (Chile)29/11/20240.34231xxxxxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Mul-IR 89  05:21:09.20 +36:39:35.00O. Garde, P. Le Dû, B. GuéganCALERN (06)21/09/201817501xSp / FicheEm*
  rp 1555  05:20:51.70 -67:05:43.302SPOTDSC (Chile)29/11/20240.34231xxxxxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr Objet 6  05:18:17.68 +37:38:39.78P. Le DûPorspoder (29)21/01/20200.25231xxxxSp / FicheiISM
  DeGaPe 32  05:17:57.10 +07:26:24.70O. Garde, P. Le Dû, P. Dubreuil, A. LopezCALERN (06)20/09/201716758xSp / FicheEm*
  DeGaPe 33  05:17:52.67 +07:09:59.20P. BazartAsrtoQueyras (05)29/10/20190.518508xxSp / FicheEm*
  IPHASX J051733.3+393027  05:17:33.30 +39:30:27.54P. Le DûPorspoder (29)24/03/20200.25230xSp / FichePossible NP
  Ra Objet 5  05:16:17.00 +27:27:23.00P. Le Dû, O. Garde, P. DubreuilCALERN (06)17/09/202017501xxxSp / Ficheo
  StDr 18  05:11:33.10 +47:04:52.34L. MulatoCornillon (30)24/08/20200.25230xxxNéantPossible NP
  Bic 7  05:05:41.24 -74:21:12.302SPOTDSC (Chile)21/12/20240.34231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Kn 35  04:55:25.00 +53:14:04.92P. Le DûPorspoder (29)03/01/20170.25238xxxxSp / FicheSR?
  StDr Objet 22  04:55:05.46 +52:15:51.80L. MulatoCornillon (30)19/11/20200.25231xxxxSp / FicheSR?
  SuFe 1  04:53:53.90 +51:57:45.70L. MulatoCornillon (30)18/02/20200.25230xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  StDr Objet 31  04:52:32.41 +07:40:31.64L. MulatoCornillon (30)11/01/20210.25231xxxxxSp / FicheSR?
  Kn 131  04:50:17.70 +41:54:53.00L. MulatoCornillon (30)03/11/20180.25231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Su 8  04:47:35.78 -67:30:49.682SPOTDSC (Chile)11/04/20240.34231xxxxxxxSp / FicheHII
  Kn 33  04:32:38.10 +60:20:12.12P. Le DûPorspoder (29)13/03/20160.25238xxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Ra 49  04:31:13.53 +25:09:13.20P. Le Dû, V. LecoqAstroQueyras (05) 09/09/20180.516508xxxSp / FicheHH
  IRAS 04260+4513  04:29:39.20 +45:19:53.29P. Le DûPorspoder (29)08/09/20190.25238xxxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  StDr Objet 21  04:26:23.65 +48:20:08.64P. Le DûPorspoder (29)12/04/20210.25231xNéantCandidate NP
  Pre 24  04:25:53.60 +39:49:10.40O. Garde, P. Le Dû, P. Dubreuil, A. LopezCALERN (06)21/09/201716758xxxxxxxSp / FicheG
  StDr 57  04:20:43.81 +44:56:28.17L. MulatoCornillon (30)23/08/20200.25231xxxxxxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Pa 167  04:17:26.43 +42:35:57.06L. MulatoCornillon (30)18/09/20200.25231xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pa 167  04:17:26.43 +42:35:57.06P. Le Dû, O. Garde, P. DubreuilCALERN (06)15/09/202017501xxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Kn 132  04:14:21.20 +30:23:31.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)16/11/20180.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Dr 26  04:06:49.50 +59:43:46.08L. MulatoCornillon (30)20/10/20200.25231xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Mul Objet 4  04:05:24.33 +54:01:16.28L. MulatoCornillon (30)18/10/20200.25231xxSp / FicheN
  Su 4  03:58:18.64 +54:39:35.80P. Le Dû, V. LecoqAstroQueyras (05) 08/09/20180.516508xSp / FicheHII
  IPHASX J034659.8+484900  03:46:59.80 +48:49:00.19P. Le DûPorspoder (29)05/09/20190.25238xxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Kn 67  03:32:15.00 +21:39:42.98P. Le DûPorspoder (29)07/10/20160.25238xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  LDû 14  03:04:21.70 +62:18:01.30A. Brémond, P. BazartAstroQueyras (05) 08/10/20160.518508xxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PaElPos 1  03:04:08.33 +38:23:08.88P. Le DûPorspoder (29)05/10/20240.25230xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  IPHASX J025658.2+585547  02:56:58.20 +58:55:47.21P. Le DûPorspoder (29)25/03/20200.25230xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  LDû 3  02:50:03.48 +61:08:31.96T. PetitMyslin (CZ)13/10/20180.25231xxxSp / FicheHII
  IRAS 02379+5724  02:41:37.00 57:37:44.47P. Le DûPorspoder (29)16/10/20200.25231xSp / FichePossible NP
  StDr 61  02:35:23.84 +63:03:02.35P. Le DûPorspoder (29)09/01/20210.25231xxxxSp / FichePossible NP
  StDr 46  02:15:34.62 +60:11:11.90P. Bazart (SAL)AstroQueyras (05)17/09/20200.58500xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  StDr 46  02:15:34.62 +60:11:00.90L. MulatoCornillon (30)15/08/20200.25230xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PrePa 1  02:12:31.80 -64:12:52.002SPOTDSC (Chile)01/04/20220.35231xxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Fe 8  02:10:10.64 +65:25:15.30P. Le DûPorspoder (29)13/12/20150.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Bic 5  02:05:40.22 -74:24:19.802SPOTDSC (Chile)11/11/20230.34231xxSp / FichePossible NP
  Su 9  01:56:59.84 -74:15:41.402SPOTDSC (Chile)11/08/20240.34231xxxxxSp / FicheEm*
  Maa 2  01:34:24.08 +30:31:17.80P. Le DûPorspoder (29)01/12/20220.25231xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Pi 1  01:26:40.01 -74:10:15.602SPOTDSC (Chile)16/12/20230.34231xxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Pre 8  01:26:36.00 +18:51:19.80O.Garde, P. Le Dû, T. LemoultAstroQueyras (05) 28/08/20160.516508xxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 84  01:23:27.42 -73:00:26.802SPOTDSC (Chile)29/09/20240.34231xxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Pa 31  01:21:42.67 +68:47:12.98L. MulatoCornillon (30)12/09/20200.25231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  [MA93] 1884  01:21:10.65 -73:14:34.852SPOTDSC (Chile)29/09/20240.34231xxxxxxxxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  PaStDr 3  01:19:28.88 +49:01:09.38L. Mulato, P. Le Dû, T. PetitCornillon (30)21/08/20200.25230xxxSp / FichePossible NP
  Pa 59  01:14:39.00 +61:19:44.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)10/09/20160.25238xxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  DeGaPe 83  01:13:30.93 -73:09:42.002SPOTDSC (Chile)22/09/20240.34231xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  [MA93] 1762  01:12:40.17 -72:53:47.192SPOTDSC (Chile)29/09/20240.34231xxxxxSp / FicheVraie NP
  Dr 36  01:07:40.04 +53:52:24.02P. Le DûPorspoder (29)21/01/20200.25231xxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  IPHASX J010133.9+605425  01:01:34.00 +60:54:25.13O. Garde, P. Le Dû, V. LecoqAstroQueyras (05) 03/09/20180.516508xxSp / FicheHII
  StDr Objet 18  00:45:06.48 +62:07:47.12L. MulatoCornillon (30)24/08/20200.25231xxxxxxxxxSp / FicheHH
  Hu 2  00:33:57.40 +74:18:40.00P. Le DûPorspoder (29)01/12/20160.25238xxxxSp / FicheNP Probable
  Ou 2  00:30:59.10 +61:24:55.20C. BuilCastanet (31)11/11/20110.286.3/8xSpVraie NP
  Dr 27  00:11:03.42 +57:10:36.30P. Le Dû, O. Garde, P. DubreuilCALERN (06)16/09/202017501Sp / FicheNP Probable
  StDr 141  00:10:21.67 +48:47:11.91P. Le Dû, L. Mulato, T. PetitVentoux (84)06/01/20220.25230xSp / FicheVraie NP
  Mul Objet 6  00:02:37.92 +53:47:05.18L. MulatoCornillon (30)20/06/20200.25231xxxxxxSp / FicheG
  IPHASX J000021.4+572207  00:00:21.39 +57:22:07.70P. Le DûPorspoder (29)01/09/20190.252384NéantNP Probable
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Contributors: Pascal Le Dû - Thomas Petit - Olivier Garde - Nicolas Petit - Trygve Prestgard - Jean-Baptiste Feldmann - Lionel Mulato - Sakib Rasool - Dana Patchick - Xavier Strottner - Jean-Baptiste Auroux