Planetary Nebulae
Planetary Nebulae
Planetary Nebulae
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   References: books, publications
  Astronomie Astrophysique (Agnès Acker)
  Spectroscopie des nébuleuses Colloque "Oléron" janvier 2011 (Agnès Acker)
  Les nébuleuses planétaires Extrait Cahier Claireau n°72 Hiver 1995-1996 (Agnès Acker)
  Spectroscopic observations of faint and misclassified planetary nebulae (B.Stenholm & A. Acker)
  Planetary Nebulae: Observational Properties, Mimics and Diagnostics (David J.Frew et Quentin Parker)
  Planetary nebulae and how to find them A concise review (Quentin Parker)
  A spectroscopic survey of 51 planetary nebulae (L. H. Aller & C. D. Keyres)
  A spectroscopic atlas of post-AGB stars and planetary nebulae selected from the IRAS PSC (O. Suarez & al)
  La spectroscopie appliquée aux nébuleuses planétaires (Benjamin Mauclaire)
  Guide pratique pour (bien) débuter en spectroscopie astronomique (François Cochard)
  Nebular spectroscopy: a guide on HII regions and planetary nebulae (M. Peimbert, A. Peimbert, and G. Delgado-Inglada)
   Reference catalog
  Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae :
  HASH Planetary Nebulae database : HASH PN database
  Gallery of planetary nebula spectra (Karen B. Kwitter & Richard B.C. Henry)
   Planetary nebulae search methods
   A reference document :
  Research methods of planetary nebulae candidates. Description of objects that can be confused with planetary nebulae, on the morphological and/or spectral point: Planetary Nebulae: Observational Properties, Mimics and Diagnostics (David J.Frew et Quentin Parker)
   Acquisition of images :
  Automatic mode with Prism : article d'Astrosurf magazine
   Websites giving access to professional images :
  The Skymap website :
  Aladin Lite version from the "Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg" (CDS) : - Direct access to the tool
   References to rule on the existence of a suspicious object :
  The "Centre de Données astronomique de Strasbourg" (CDS) :
  Aladin and Simbad tools from the CDS :
  Vizier from the CDS :
  The HASH planetary nebulae database : HASH PN database
  The website NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive :
  Super Cosmos Halpha survey :
  ESO website :
  PanSTARRS-1 pictures :
   Research methods used by amateurs :
  How to perform a first analysis : a tutorial
  Nébuleuses planétaires découvertes par des amateurs L'astronomie (L'astronomie février 2015, A. Acker, P. Le Dû)
  Comment découvrir de nouvelles nébuleuses (L'astronomie février 2016, P. Le Dû)
  Nébuleuses dans l'infrarouge moyen (L'astronomie février 2016, L. Mulato)
   Professional research methods :
  MilkyWay and Magellanic Cloud Surveys for Planetary Nebulae (Q.A. Parker et al.)
  Detection of New Planetary Nebulae by IPHAS, the Hα Survey of North Galactic Plane (R.L.M. Corradi et al.)
  The past, present and future of Galactic planetary nebula surveys (Quentin A. Parker et al.)
  Discovery of planetary nebulae using predictive mid-infrared diagnostics (Quentin A. Parker et al.)
  WISE properties of planetary nebulae from the DSH catalogue (M. Kronberger et al)
  A Glimpse of new and possible planetary nebulae at mid-infrared wavelenghts (J.P. Phillips et G. Ramos-Larios)
  Discovery of new planetary nebulae in the Small Magellanic Cloud (Danica Drašković et al.)
  A sample of new planetary nebulae in the IPHAS and DSH catalogue (Chih-Hao et Sun Kwok)
  Exploiting the HASH Planetary Nebula Research Platform (Quentin A. Parker et al.)
  Planetary Nebula Candidates Uncovered with the HASH Research Platform (Valiliki Fragkou et al.)
  Planetary Nebulae detected in the Spitzer space telescope glimpse 3D legacy survey (Y. Zhang et al.)
  Searching for Faint Planetary Nebulae Using the Digital Sky Survey (George H. Jacoby et al.)
Planetary Nebulae
Respect capital letters and spaces !
Example: PN-G 262.4-01.9 or DeGaPe 32
  Spectroscopic confirmations:
434 observations made
Link to the spectroscopic observations list: HERE
    Here, all the spectroscopic observations made by the French Amateur Group on planetary nebulae candidates.
  Unpublished PN candidates:
505 unpublished PN candidates.
Acces to the complete list: HERE
    The candidates are said to be "published" when they are the object of an official publication in VizieR and in the CDS of the University of Strasbourg.
  Useful links:
HASH:the Hong Kong/AAO/Strasbourg Hα planetary nebula database
2SPOT:the Southern Spectroscopic Project Observatory Team
Planetary Nebulae .net
Contacts: - in charge PN and applications: Pascal Le Dû (
- webmaster: Thomas Petit (
© Planetary Nebulae .net - All rights reserved
The Planetary Nebulae .net website offers all the useful and practical information about the planetary nebulae (candidates), how to apply for a new discovery and how to confirm the candidates. If you would like to contribute to the website, please visit the Data Gathering page and contact us.
Contributors: Pascal Le Dû - Thomas Petit - Olivier Garde - Nicolas Petit - Trygve Prestgard - Jean-Baptiste Feldmann - Lionel Mulato - Sakib Rasool - Dana Patchick - Xavier Strottner - Jean-Baptiste Auroux