Planetary Nebulae
Planetary Nebulae
Planetary Nebulae
     HOME          TABLES I,II,II,IR          DOCUMENTATION          DATA GATHERING                                      
  The database is classified according to three TABLES:
    - the TABLE I includes True PN, Likely PN and Possible PN
    - the TABLE II includes New candidates
    - the TABLE III includes Other objects
  IR candidates (Mid-intrared) are also accessible from this page.
  Select one or more catalogs:
  (Click on a catalog for quick access to its contents)
 DeGaPe Objet
 DoS Objet
 Dr Objet
 DrZi Objet
 Fal Objet
 Fe Objet
 Gar Objet
 Hu Objet
 Jonk Objet
 KinPau Objet
 LDû Objet
 Ma Objet
 MarSai Objet
 Mo Objet
 Mul Objet
 Mur Objet
 Or Objet
 Pa Objet
 PaStDr Objet
 Pre Objet
 PreMo Objet
 Ra Objet
 Ras Objet
 Ro Objet
 St Objet
 StDr Objet
 StDrSai Objet
 Su Objet
 Za Objet
  Mid-infrared catalogs:
  (Click on a catalog for quick access to its contents)
 LDu-IR Mul-IR Mul-LDu-IR
  Select one or more types:
 True PN Likely PN Possible PN New candidates Other objects NP IR
  Select a RA interval:
  (First value less than or equal to the second - second value included)
  First value                Second value    
Planetary Nebulae
Respect capital letters and spaces !
Example: PN-G 262.4-01.9 or DeGaPe 32
  Spectroscopic confirmations:
429 observations made
Link to the spectroscopic observations list: HERE
    Here, all the spectroscopic observations made by the French Amateur Group on planetary nebulae candidates.
  Unpublished PN candidates:
504 unpublished PN candidates.
Acces to the complete list: HERE
    The candidates are said to be "published" when they are the object of an official publication in VizieR and in the CDS of the University of Strasbourg.
  Useful links:
HASH:the Hong Kong/AAO/Strasbourg Hα planetary nebula database
2SPOT:the Southern Spectroscopic Project Observatory Team
Planetary Nebulae .net
Contacts: - in charge PN and applications: Pascal Le Dû (
- webmaster: Thomas Petit (
© Planetary Nebulae .net - All rights reserved
The Planetary Nebulae .net website offers all the useful and practical information about the planetary nebulae (candidates), how to apply for a new discovery and how to confirm the candidates. If you would like to contribute to the website, please visit the Data Gathering page and contact us.
Contributors: Pascal Le Dû - Thomas Petit - Olivier Garde - Nicolas Petit - Trygve Prestgard - Jean-Baptiste Feldmann - Lionel Mulato - Sakib Rasool - Dana Patchick - Xavier Strottner - Jean-Baptiste Auroux