Planetary Nebulae
Planetary Nebulae
Planetary Nebulae
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    Make your contribution to French lists I and II of planetary nebulae candidates and objects of unknown nature...
   1 - New planetary nebulae candidates
    If you think you have discovered an object not listed on your image or on a professional image, it is necessary to observe the following criteria before any contact.
  Criteria :
  make sure that the signal is not related to your instrumentation or your environment
  check that the signal is visible or partially visible at other wavelengths in the visible (cf surveys professionnels, DSS, PansSTARRS, DECaPS)
  ensure that this signal is not listed in the French lists I and II, on the Aladin site and in the HASH database
  ensure that the signal identified corresponds to that of a planetary nebula as described in the following presentation and articles :
        Recherche NP - SF2A 2018 - Pascal Le Dû
        L'Astronomie - Février 2016 - Comment découvrir de nouvelles nébuleuses ?
        Planetary Nebulae: Observational Properties, Mimics and Diagnostics
  Data to be transmitted :
  last name and first name
  coordinates J2000 of the object
  if available, compiled image treated or raw, oriented (North up, East to the left), acquired with a filter [OIII] and/or Halpha of the object located (a crop may be enough)
  comments (place of observation, setup used, reasons why this signal was retained ...)
  Sending address :
  If the object is retained, a response is sent to the discoverer. Be careful, this answer is not immediate ...
  The object is baptized with the initials of the name of the discoverer followed by a number and is included in one of the two French lists.
  It appears on Planetary Nebulae .net
  It is subsequently forwarded to CDS, to the HASH database and may be the subject of an article.
   2 - Spectroscopy of planetary nebulae candidates
    You can realize the spectrum of a planetary nebula candidate from French lists or other lists (DSH ...) to confirm its nature. This observation is not obvious because these objects are, for the most part, very tenuous. It is useful to respect the following criteria before any contact.
  Criteria :
  make sure that the observed spectrum corresponds well to that of the candidate (position, centering of the slot ...)
  achieve a low or high resolution spectrum that covers a spectral range between 400 nm and 750 nm
  achieve a calibrated and reduced spectrum (pretreatment of raw spectra, calibration, correction of instrumental response and atmospheric absorption)
  different articles or presentations dealing with the subject :
        Rapport de mission- Calern 2017
        Recherche et confirmation de candidates nébuleuses planétaires (RCE 2018)
        Imagerie et spectroscopie depuis la pointe bretonne (ASM n°87)
        L'Astronomie - Juin 2016 - Une candidate nébuleuse planétaire particulière dévoilée par spectroscopie
        SPEKTRUM n°54 - Février 2018
  Data to be transmitted :
  last name and first name
  .fit or .fits spectra and ASCII (.dat) and .log and .xlm files like those from ISIS :
    NomNP_20190226_821_P. Le Du.fits
    NomNP_20190226_821_P. Le Du.dat
    NomNP_20190226_821_P. Le Du.log
    NomNP_20190226_821_P. Le Du.xlm
  spectroscopic observation sheet completed at best, in PDF format, downloadable here: spectroscopic record sheet
  Sending address :
  The spectroscopic sheet and the 1D spectrum appear in the candidate's page observed on Planetary Nebulae .net
  The data and metadata are transmitted to the HASH database and can be the subject of an article.
  Spectra made by amateurs on planetary nebulae candidates: Resultats Spectres NP
   3 - Images made with narrow band filters
An image [OIII] and/or Halpha makes it possible to characterize a planetary nebula candidate more precisely in view of its classification. For this reason, this type of image is in great demand.
  Criteria :
  make images with narrow-band filters (~ 5 nm) correctly centered in [OIII], Halpha, [NII]
  a good resolution is required which requires a large focal length, but larger field images may be appropriate as long as the nebulous aspect of the object is visible
  a challenge is to detect the central star that brings complementary information to the object
  Data to be transmitted :
  last name and first name
  pretreated and compiled image for each filter and/or SHO type composite image. Crop possible.
  comments (place of observation, setup used, shooting parameters ...)
  Sending address :
  The realized images appear in the page of the candidate observed on Planetary Nebulae .net
  The images are transmitted to the HASH database and can be the subject of an article.
   4 - News articles
Whether for a confirmation of PN, a meeting, a workshop, a scientific publication ... send an article to participate in the news of the site.
  Criteria :
  write a text of a hundred words (remain factual)
  the subject must have a direct link with planetary nebulae and / or with spectroscopy, more generally
  prepare an illustration image in JPG format (700x300 pixels)
  prepare a thumbnail illustration in JPG format (150x150 pixels)
  links to documents or other websites welcome (provide addresses or documents)
  Data to be transmitted :
  last name and first name
  event date
  text, illustration and thumbnail
  Sending address :
Planetary Nebulae
Respect capital letters and spaces !
Example: PN-G 262.4-01.9 or DeGaPe 32
  Spectroscopic confirmations:
429 observations made
Link to the spectroscopic observations list: HERE
    Here, all the spectroscopic observations made by the French Amateur Group on planetary nebulae candidates.
  Unpublished PN candidates:
504 unpublished PN candidates.
Acces to the complete list: HERE
    The candidates are said to be "published" when they are the object of an official publication in VizieR and in the CDS of the University of Strasbourg.
  Useful links:
HASH:the Hong Kong/AAO/Strasbourg Hα planetary nebula database
2SPOT:the Southern Spectroscopic Project Observatory Team
Planetary Nebulae .net
Contacts: - in charge PN and applications: Pascal Le Dû (
- webmaster: Thomas Petit (
© Planetary Nebulae .net - All rights reserved
The Planetary Nebulae .net website offers all the useful and practical information about the planetary nebulae (candidates), how to apply for a new discovery and how to confirm the candidates. If you would like to contribute to the website, please visit the Data Gathering page and contact us.
Contributors: Pascal Le Dû - Thomas Petit - Olivier Garde - Nicolas Petit - Trygve Prestgard - Jean-Baptiste Feldmann - Lionel Mulato - Sakib Rasool - Dana Patchick - Xavier Strottner - Jean-Baptiste Auroux