Planetary Nebulae
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Catalog Fe
  (10 inputs)
Laurent Ferrero
The catalog Fe includes: 4 planetary nebulae
4 new candidates
2 other objects
NameGal. Coord.RADECSizeStatut
Fe 1PN-G 045.7-03.819:28:47.00+09:34:36.000.9 arc minTrue PN
Fe 3PN-G 232.0-02.207:19:02.38-17:59:02.002.2 arc minHII region
Fe 4PN-G 030.6-16.419:46:31.00-09:21:18.000.5 arc minTrue PN
Fe 5PN-G 046.2-06.419:39:05.00+08:44:35.000.5 arc minGalaxY ?
Fe 6PN-G 129.6+03.401:56:25.25+65:28:29.103.5 arc minTrue PN
Fe 7PN-G 123.9+06.901:03:27.22+69:46:55.006 x 4 arc minNew candidate
Fe 8PN-G 131.0+03.702:10:10.64+65:25:15.300.8 x 0.7 arc minTrue PN
Fe 9PN-G 274.9-03.809:15:49.00-54:35:33.000.9 x 0.9 arc minNew candidate
Fe 10PN-G 307.9-00.113:35:16.00-62:36:02.000.1 arc minNew candidate
Fe 11PN-G 245.5+00.107:57:08.10-28:33:25.000.4 x 0.3 arc minNew candidate
Planetary Nebulae
Respect capital letters and spaces !
Example: PN-G 262.4-01.9 or DeGaPe 32
  Spectroscopic confirmations:
435 observations made
Link to the spectroscopic observations list: HERE
    Here, all the spectroscopic observations made by the French Amateur Group on planetary nebulae candidates.
  Unpublished PN candidates:
505 unpublished PN candidates.
Acces to the complete list: HERE
    The candidates are said to be "published" when they are the object of an official publication in VizieR and in the CDS of the University of Strasbourg.
  Useful links:
HASH:the Hong Kong/AAO/Strasbourg Hα planetary nebula database
2SPOT:the Southern Spectroscopic Project Observatory Team
Planetary Nebulae .net
Contacts: - in charge PN and applications: Pascal Le Dû (
- webmaster: Thomas Petit (
© Planetary Nebulae .net - All rights reserved
The Planetary Nebulae .net website offers all the useful and practical information about the planetary nebulae (candidates), how to apply for a new discovery and how to confirm the candidates. If you would like to contribute to the website, please visit the Data Gathering page and contact us.
Contributors: Pascal Le Dû - Thomas Petit - Olivier Garde - Nicolas Petit - Trygve Prestgard - Jean-Baptiste Feldmann - Lionel Mulato - Sakib Rasool - Dana Patchick - Xavier Strottner - Jean-Baptiste Auroux