HASH Hong Kong/AAO/Strasbourg H-alpha planetary nebula database
Comprehensive database of all known planetary nebulae, whether as candidates or confirmed. Each object is associated with images at different wavelengths as well as spectra, if they are available. This base, built in collaboration between the University of Hong Kong, the astronomical observatory of Australia and the astronomical observatory of Strasbourg, is maintained by Quentin Parker, Ivan Bojičić and Andreas Ritter in Hong Kong and is accessible to the public via login and password (HASH PN Database4.5)
The candidates are said to be "published" when they are the object of an official publication in VizieR and in the CDS of the University of Strasbourg.
The Planetary Nebulae .net website offers all the useful and practical information about the planetary nebulae (candidates),
how to apply for a new discovery and how to confirm the candidates. If you would like to contribute to the website, please visit the Data Gathering page and contact us.
Pascal Le Dû - Thomas Petit - Olivier Garde - Nicolas Petit - Trygve Prestgard - Jean-Baptiste Feldmann -
Lionel Mulato - Sakib Rasool - Dana Patchick - Xavier Strottner - Jean-Baptiste Auroux